Moving to a new country: The basics.



Through-out history, stories have been told of men and women, who left their homelands for far-off places.
Missionaries to unexplored lands, explorers, settlers and even fugitives can be counted to the list of risk-takers and thrill-seekers, or even pioneers that come to mind.
The initial movers of long ago, certainly had plenty to contend with.

Diseases, rough terrain, hostile locals or even resistance from their own governments are just some of the challenges they had to deal with.

Of course I won’t dwell on history that much, but simply seek to point out, that emmigration isn’t an invention of our time (the shock…).

So what are some of the basics to consider when moving to a new land?


This is quite frankly the most important thing to consider. Does your Nationality require that you get a Visa inorder to enter a country?

Here you can check on your eligibility.
Then there is the question of your purpose of visit.

In relation to this, there are various types of Visas on offer.

The tourist-visa if you only intend on taking a vacation in order to see the sites and travel; the student-visa for those going to school; even  work-visas for jobs to be done in the new land.
Each class of visa comes with different requirements, which have to be met before it can be issued. (It would be advisable, to contact the consulate of the soon to be visited land, in order to know these.)

This can be very sensitive if neglected.

In the case of students for instance, getting a tourist visa to travel because it is easier to come-by, could result in the inability to extend one’s stay beyond the visa’s eligibility, as tourist visas simply won’t be converted to student-visas(in the case of Germany). Bear in mind that tourist-visas only have a 6-month shelf-life.


Severally, we hear of people who did something in a foreign country, that went against the laws of the land.
On being questioned, the culprits usually claim ignorance.
If you are a nudist for instance, it wouldn’t hurt to enquire if your ‘open’ nature, is acceptable where you are going.
It is of course impossible to memorize all laws, but cultural differences have to be considered.
Unlike the past-when settlers imposed their cultures on others, today each country likes to pride itself on its identity-and will strive to protect this. Best get informed for a really wonderful stay.


Will your money be accepted as a means of trade?
It is of course, good to know the international exchange rates, in order not to be cheated by shrewd individuals. It would be impossible to go shopping in London with Nuevo Sols-no matter the amount of Nuevo Sols in ones pocket.
Not only the currency should be looked at-but it wouldn’t hurt to have a little extra pocket money, to help settle-in. Truth of the matter is, that money is important. We need it to buy our basic needs. These basic needs remain a constant wherever we go.


This is right-up there in terms of importance.

We are blessed to live at a time, when an international language-really is that: an international language.
English can get you to many places-but not everywhere. Here is what is spoken elsewhere.
If the locals speak a different language, learning a bit of it wouldn’t hurt. Might actually be fun.
Here you can find a list of psychological advantages of learning another language-if only for your personal good.

Being multi-lingual, helps avert miscommunication


Your health comes above all else. It might be necessary to get a vaccination when travelling-especially when visiting tropical climates. This helps protect you against contracting dangerous diseases.

Here is a good website by the Centre of Disease Control and Prevention, to help you see which vaccines you may need.

Consulting your physician is also of utmost importance.


Many times, locals complain about foreigners who keep to themselves. The visiters become a source of suspiscion.
Wrong stereotypes are developed as a result, which may lead to animosity and unjust hatred.
If it is safe, why not mingle with the locals and get to know them. This fosters a great understanding which will eventually make your stay more enjoyable-and the experience awesome.

My point of view is that it makes no sense to travel to a new country, if you just intend to keep to yourself. That could have been accomplished at home!!

All in all, I am pro-emmi/immigration. It is wonderful that we can visit new places and meet new people. It is wonderful that I can share my culture with people from distant lands, as I learn theirs. No man/nation is an island.
These are just some of my ideas, of how to make a move as easy and enjoyable as possible. Have a great trip.


photo credit: <a href=””>~FreeBirD®~</a&gt; via <a href=””>photopin</a&gt; <a href=””>cc</a&gt;

A fruit called Patience.



Patience-a fruit that is bright,
So distant at times-it might cause a fright.

To posses this, quite great,
Any trial to defeat.
Just that extra little grit,
And all that is, is with dealt.

Of course at times, one does quake,
On the weight and bile,
In one’s wake.

Remember alone, none can withstand,
Without that extra help, ready at hand.

Yes persevere good spirit,
Yes be patient good being,
However, never try to think it,
That you are alone, in that thing.

There’s always a shoulder to lean on,
To strengthen-nourish, and to get your game on.

Be patient, but also share,
Is all to say, that I do dare.

I might be wrong, but isn’t it from the wisest,
That before dawn, it’s always the darkest?


5 Lessons I have picked up so far.


Some days typically come with a strain. This is true for whatever field one might be involved in.

My colleagues and I for example, don’t always have the stamina and willpower to tackle the challenges, of reading seemingly monotonous literature in our Medical studies. This nontheless, has to be overcome, if we are to achieve our dreams and become competent doctors.

I am still in the early days of the field-but here is a list of simple lessons I have learnt that get me through. Each I believe-applicable in other areas of life as well.


Time is everything. Any second lost, will never be recouped.

Say an oral exam in anatomy is around the corner: Preparation becomes the most vital element.

Last minute all-nighters, only marginally help-are however an unnecessary risk and stress to put oneself through, due to the immense volumes. Any piece of information ingested in this rush to cover ground, generally only becomes a part of the short-term memory-which in turn translates to another stressful period when preparing for the boardexams.

The initial procrastination, causes a vicious cycle of trying to get things done in a hurry, which in-turn leads to nearly-going-mad experiences and burn-out. Regret becomes the only emotion, one is left with.

Similarly, in life, time management is essential. Think of the numerous institutions that require that time be taken seriously.

Whether it be payements that have to be made, meetings that have to be attended or flight time, order universally dictates that a certain allocated time be synonymous with the event itself.

A delay in payements for instance, causes penalties, meetings missed require lengthy explanations as everyone else gets held up(tempers may flare) and late arrivals for flights, leave one stranded.

Doctor Seuss once stated:

“How did it get so late so soon?”

I have learnt that I certainly don’t want to utter these words of regret,


College life can be very distracting. There always are these characters, who come-up with the craziest ideas imaginable. These, coupled with a new-found freedom away from home, could lead anyone into forsaking a lifelong dream for a sporadic moment of pleasure. The all too famous abbreviation doing its rounds these days becoming the mainstay of conversations-‘YOLO,’ You Only Live Once.

I am not condemning the occasional unwinding. I however believe, that unwinding doesn’t consist of every single day.

Simply put, if you really want something, you should be able to sacrifice some pleasures for your goals.

I have personally seen several friends drop out of the course because of a backload-caused by previously overindulging where they could have done without. Clara Barton hit the nail on the head…


No single human being can do everything perfectly-everything alone. We all have our strengths, which we can use for the benefit of others.
Study groups have helped me not only improve my fluency in portraying points-of-view, but through this sharing, comes an additional advantage of understanding the material better, as seen from another’s point-of-view.
This teamwork is basically reflective of the everyday aspect of life.

Consider the bicycle. Without the chain, we wouldn’t be able to propel an uphill motion. The chain itself is made of smaller parts.

Even a Basketball team has many members- the pointguard can’t play alone.

As Helen Keller put it..

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”


We sometimes tend to over-emphasize on end-results, without considering the way which leads up-to. Having an overall idea of how all the pieces fit together is good-very good in fact. However, the here and now also counts.

Looking at a physiology textbook like Boron’s Medical Physiology for instance, and cowering at the thought of the workload that lies in reading through the pages is counter-productive.

Yes one has to work hard inorder to achieve something. Nothing worth having comes easy. Nothing worth having happens overnight. All can however, be achieved through systematically working, one bit at a time, until finally the task is completed.

Dealing with what you can right now, always sums up in the end, to accomplishing the bigger picture.

C.S. Lewis says..

“What saves a man is to take a step, then another step.”


We are not machines. A person cannot sit at a desk the whole day long and expect to maintain a steady workrate, taking in all the information like a sponge. Our minds tire and begin to wander, our muscles crave some stretching and our psychological well being craves contact with other beings.

Organizing one’s time appropriately, being disciplined, working in a team, taking one day at a time-if all balanced-allow for that window of opportunity to simply let go.
Physical fitness refreshes our minds, stimulating our brains to remember things better. Our circulation system also benefits-our bodies remaining healthy. Further still, socializing with friends, going dancing or to a karaoke bar helps our psychological wellbeing.

Inorder to bring our A-games, we basically need to be rested and ready to go.

As Roald Dahl put it..

“A little nonsense now and then, is cherished by the wisest of men.”

I am however, still learning day by day what works for me. Discovering my limits and motivations on this stage we call life.

Maybe you have other tips/lessons from your daily endeavours.

I would love to hear these in the comment section below.

Wish you a splendid time.


An Open Eye.


|It is not every pedestrian that doesn’t own a car: Similarly, not every driver owns a car.|:A thought shared by an acquaintance today.

As a matter of fact, outward appearences seem to govern our every day life..
Let’s face it. We are all visual creatures. What we see, largely influences our daily decisions in ways we couldn’t begin to imagine. -Colours for instance- the brighter they are- the warmer we feel. Darker colours on the other hand serve to enhance the perception of coolness-sometimes calm.
-Thinking back to my childhood, my parents always ensured that I was on my best behaviour-wherever.. Of course they let some minor issues slip;those passable sins that each of us commits.. All in all-good behaviour was Non-negotiable;something I am forever grateful for.
Look out into your Community for example: The ill mannered individuals are judged based on their actions, and how they appear to us. We basically adopt the presumption, that either the parents failed at raising them, or the individuals are just blatant rebels… Fact.
Yes- without a doubt, one’s self-presentation or accessories can be a pointer to several things in his or her being. I for one believe, that we should use outward pointers to some extent, in order to guide our decision-making… If a rattle snake rattles its tail at me- I will proceed/retreat with caution, lest I came in harm’s way. Anything to the contrary would be foolish. However, I also believe that some individuals purposely mask themselves in foreign traits, as a means of deceiving those around.
No need for paranoia though.

You know the good thing about appearences,is that with time, the surface beneath eventually comes to light. So when it comes to determining what to perceive about a certain issue or thing- I suggest taking a step back; breathing in deeply, and perhaps shutting an eye briefly. All this in order to Re-evaluate the situation. We might eventually find that the ladle is indeed a big spoon.


Understanding People.


Empathy: The ability to put oneself in another’s shoes.
As people-in whichever Community- it is mandatory to co-relate with those around us. Adages, such as ‘All for One and One for All’, ‘Divided we Fall,United we stand’- All point to the timeless principle of the need to work together.
So how Do we understand each other?
Here’s the hard way to Do it….
-Keep a score-book and write All the personal idiosyncracies of your friends/acquaintances.
I further suggest that columns such as the people’s ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’ be added-then recited over and over until mastered.
This could work.. It really could.. If you have the time, heart and patience for it-why not?
However, to an accuracy of 99.99% or thereabouts, I’m sure, that this would drive any warm-blooded individual insane.
I am of the opinion, that the way to go, is simply to consider the own needs and desires.
These, when projected onto our acquaintances, certainly let us know how to handle each other.
Would I like to be bullied around and mistreated? If yes- Do the same to others.
How about getting that seat on a bus/train when I’m ill? Certainly.

Empathy all seems like simple logic-common sense even. In practise-a self evaluation is the only way to determine its existence. I am not advocating for the surrender of personal comfort and space in the Name of empathy. I’ m simply expressing my point of view, that we should be fair in our dealings with each other. However,Fairness does not mean equality. Everyone has his/her own special needs, which simply can’t be generalized for the entire public.
Try to understand your fellow humanbeing, as I try to Do the same.



Mediocrity pushes itself.


A friend of mine made an interesting observation today. He so accurately pointed out how mediocrity always has to push itself.

Think of movies- those with good plots, versus the rest. A good movie-the King’s speech for instance, hardly ever overemphasises on sexual content. The rest always have to spice things up, hence…..

The same can be said of all other areas in life. It made me reflect deeply on myself-Do I overindulge in props inorder to pass mediocrity off as flair?
